It would be cool if someone would add Doom guns for a Doom themed Madness flash.
The internet and the real world are two separated dimensions... they should be, at least.
10+ years as a newgrounder.
Age 26, Male
Technology in Digital Games
Joined on 7/13/12
It would be cool if someone would add Doom guns for a Doom themed Madness flash.
Yep, but mega guns isn't my style, sorry.
Sao bem legais as armas
Obrigado, o update esta proximo, so falta fazer mais 1 arma, e não vai demorar muito pra acontecer xD.
acho que devia ter mais shotguns :)
E pq eu detesto armas do tipo shotgun xD, mesmo assim vc tem razao.
Pretendo fazer a MAG-7 por enquanto. E ate agora so tem 5 xD.
hmm, i would like one of your UZIs as my principal weapon.
because actually, i have Uzi 9mm and im bored of this !
so i would like to have my own weapon only for meeh ! you get credits too trolo.
Just call how you want it and done! ;)
The game is very cool indeed! I tried my sprites with the last face and something. Hope you can add the Reset button ,Random button, and words to describe the clothes.
Man, I already tried so much times to make the random button, but I got no sucess -_- . Plz HELP ME! xD.Reset button I already know a trick to make it, and how to make it normally (I will add it sometime).
I will try too to minimize the selection buttons to make a space for them.
Your presence will help me alot!
Random button is easy.. Assuming there's 20 hats, 30heads shown in the movieclip "Hat" "Head"
//add on the random button
on(release) {
Others are the same..
BTW, sharing creations are much harder. You'd better decomplite some flash that has those function to see how it works. good luck.
thanks for the help, I already was about to make you a beta tester, but I got some problems to solve.
Yeah, I think share creations will be a lot harder.
O jogo e massa :D
n posso esperar pra ver ele completo
Muito obrigado! Outras coisas serão adicionadas se sobrar tempo (exemplo: montador de armas).
conheço pouca gente q tem os sprites do project nexus v 1.8
Voce so precisa de um decompilador (e so isso e vc pode pegar sprites de qualquer jogo ou animacao, porem, sempre peca autorisacao ao autor, isso causa muita confusao quando usado sem permissao) Krinkels ja disse sobre o caso e e por isso que nao e preciso pedir a ele a permissao.
Eu sei, eu tenho todas as animaçoes do krinkels :3
maybe crossbow and M16 normal
Crossbow = NEVAH (I hate this gun)
M16 Classic = Wanted, reward: no reward for you, lol.
Question:On your large icon,who are they that char or whats they names
You will know later, just wait ;D.
Ha algo em que eu possa te ajudar com o jogo?
Eu posso fazer umas mascaras acessorios etc.
Bom, seria melhor se vc pudesse falar com alguns animadores de madness pedindo seus personagens emprestados para meu jogo, já seria de grande ajuda.
Q tal o gabriel barsch ou juanford66?
Pq ja tem uns animadores ai q sao testers, vc tem os personagens deles?
GabrielBarsch nao aceitou e o Juanford66 ja esta, so esqueci de coloca-lo como beta tester.
Some More revorvers PLS
WAIT MAN, calm down, I have a life ok? lol
Bom, entao q animadores vc sugere?
O Tr3yo nao ta mais no newgrounds
O Djjaner, sei la eu nao conheco muita gente.
Ei mano, ja fez um update no link pra baixar as armas?
Calma vei, criar um jogo e mais dificil do que parece xD.
eu sei xD eu perguntei sobre as armas
:| , eu sei do q vc falou, o que eu quero dizer e que estou muitissimo ocupado. Inclusive fiz mais 1 arma.
I'd lovely animate those :/
shit, I'm already with more than 40 fans and didn't updated, sorry man, gonna update now xD
<a href=""> 2233f531ba9bac6e37167d</a>
Hi, and great collection, I don't know if you did them on Flash or not but, THEY'RE AWESOME!
Someday, when my collection get more guns, I want you to see them, ok?
Great job and good luck on making more!