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Recent Movie Reviews

135 Movie Reviews

I wonder how a furry 3D model with a dancing loop without any background ended up in Daily 3rd.
I mean, seriously, the MOVIES portal is for MOVIES, and not 3D assets or anything (maybe this fits better in the art portal). This fits as a instagram/twitter post, but doesn't belong to the movies portal.

Yo, those FULL AUTO DEAGLEZ tho!

Recent Game Reviews

22 Game Reviews

Oh look, it's SHIFT 2.0.

Recent Audio Reviews

13 Audio Reviews

It has been a long time since I saw one of your works, good to see you're still working on musics :D
I liked the style very much, the beginning was very nice too and it works pretty well with many game types. Great job as always!

Xenogeno, first of all I love your music and hear some of them frequently like Blackhole Earth Consumption and Epicity (the first version).
Contra and its soundtrack is just great. The cover is different from the others I've heard and sounds amazing.

Really nice remix you made, the music fits well with the House style, the sound effects from the Mario universe made a charm to the music. The drums and the finger snapping worked great together with the music.
You did a great job, a fun music to hear when doing a homework, when going to school or work, or just having fun drawing :)
Also, can't deny this music would fit very well on a tutorial video :P

Falsesouth responds:

Thank you so much! I thought it fit with house lol.

If you or anyone wanted to make a YouTube tutorial with it then I would have no problem with that :)

(with credit given of course)

Recent Art Reviews

100 Art Reviews

At first glance I thought this was a 3D model with cartoonish materials. Just look at it! Anatomy, outline, shading and even the colors, everything is looking great in this artwork.

I see what you did there...
...and loved it in many ways.

Looks like he isn't the only one to have returned :D
Great fanart, man. I loved every detail, including the new headphones you gave to him :)
Aside from your work, how's going life?

Dawcio510 responds:

School, school, school, studies, tryna get that IT Tech degree.
I gave him a different headset mostly cus I didn't like the ones he always had, they felt out of place for me so I googled a few comtacs and used 'em as reference to give him something cool.

The internet and the real world are two separated dimensions... they should be, at least.
10+ years as a newgrounder.

Elias Papp @1999Elias

Age 25, Male

Technology in Digital Games


Joined on 7/13/12

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