Awesome,hey can you join my collab?
The internet and the real world are two separated dimensions... they should be, at least.
10+ years as a newgrounder.
Age 26, Male
Technology in Digital Games
Joined on 7/13/12
Awesome,hey can you join my collab?
Thanks, and sorry because I'm on TheEB's Collab
no bla bla bla?
y u do dis
Was too tired xP
was over 2:00 AM when I made this post :P
Funny test :)
Thanks Rock :)
Legal :)
Valeu Victor :)
agente idiota kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Lol éh, na verdade eu tive essa idéia quando vi um video de uma mulher usando uma Deagle .50 com uma mão só, resultou no que vc viu :P
That was more lively than your usual mechanical style - you are certainly improving on this aspect!
I would also like to mention that you maybe should drop the weapon from hands rather than keep it held after death.
Thanks, also I know that I should have made him drop the weapon, but the gravity got so realistic I just let it how it was :P, I also tried to let the hand a bit opened when he was falling down, but it got strange so I removed it.
2:01 AM?
Haha that fall....criticism says that agent is fu***ng slow.
*checks the test again*
? how do you say the falling is f* slow? it's alright for me.
no, I mean the movement, draw aim time or whatever it's called. But agents are retarted anyway, that's why they die fast.
Oh... lol sorry... also... yeah.... he's just an agent after all :P
nice test
Thanks Madyellow :)
Pois é, que agente burro e fraco kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Ééééééééhhh... mais ou menos :P
I guess it's probably because I feel sick today because I was running around entertaining little kids too much and nearly died from dehydration.
lol, make a book: "Random Days" :P
A book? I could make a library with the random stuff I do.
Just...don't mention the time I ate a building brick by brick...that...that was pretty painful afterwards... >.<
lol, so you better start working :P
Se só com uma Deagle segurando só com uma mão ela cai,imagine segurando uma M60 ela morre
com bazooka ela voa xD
What happen to agent? :3
So smooth..........
Thanks man
The agent, after he fires the Deagle .50, the recoil of the Deagle was so high that it knocks his face and then he faints, however I tried making a purple circle (hematoma) to show people what happened, but it got horrible so I removed it :P
Com RPG ela vai viajar para Marte
Foi isso q eu falei :P
I would, but I'm some random, lazy, English fuck on Newgrounds. I don't think the rest of the world would like my views on Pizza and BBQ's.
try man, if you don't try you won't know ;)
Eu acho que são diferentes :P
Marte fica no céu, e uma RPG-7 é uma Bazooka, então...
sim, é similar :P
:P That's true...
...but something tells me I won't be able to make a library. All the books would be full of cat pictures.
Lolwhy? do you like cats that much?
PS: I love cats too ^^
Nice test :)
Thanks Riot :)