The internet and the real world are two separated dimensions... they should be, at least.
10+ years as a newgrounder.

Elias Papp @1999Elias

Age 26, Male

Technology in Digital Games


Joined on 7/13/12

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Well, follow what you want to do, and if you don't know what to do, no excuse, JUST DO SOMETHING

xD thanks man

Madness Customization 2 MANO! e mt foda esses jogos pfvr faz!

Seu c... *ahem* quero dizer...
Blz man, obrigado pelo comentário :)

u use AS2? i think no one using it again lol (i still using as2 for making games too lol), and yeah! keep working..

AS2 and Flash is the perfect combination for people like me that prefer working on a program that allows both designing and programming, and make them fit in. It's very useful and it's not hard to understand.
Thanks Akikazu :)

Hai bro! :D

Hai bro :D
You've been one of the only people to question me about how this game was going, so I know what's your answer about the question I made xD

if you think Customization 2 can have a important difference compared to the first one, it's worth trying and even if it's eventually fail (since madness is less famous&known?) it's will be still a good experience at programming, and that's how you evolve, doing a 3D movie sure is more impressive but for some reason, i really feel like putting madness on 3D does not have the same classic feelings.

though flash is pretty outdated for games, going on a 3D route is way more safe.

I want to make everything I didn't in Madness Customization 1 on its sequel, and put some other features. I'm sure Madness Customization 2 will be better than the first, in many parts.
About the 3D movie, Madness in 3D really cuts a little of the classic feeling, I think I felt the same when Super Mario 64 came out, I mean the gameplay, the visual, everything is different, so I understand your point.
I would like to try to make games other than Madness styled, but making Madness 3D clips is hard, the frames are simplified so you don't have to make every frame like in Flash, but joining objects, making objects appear from nowhere, those are real problems on 3D. I made my homeworks Madness styled because I thought it would be fun, and it was, but I'm not sure if I will keep making Madness animations, even less in 3D.
Thanks for your opinion bro, feel free to visit your pal anytime you want ;)
Toppy hat x3

I want customization 2! So yea keep it up! ;)

Thanks SapkyRides :)

Keep working :D!

Thanks Dankon, I will try :)

waitwhat, wat do you mean "feel free to visit your pal anytime you want" o3o

Pal = me
Visit my account, sent a PM, whatever you want, got it? xD
You've been busy back in 2015 and I didn't see you much since that time.

I don't know, I sequel might be nice xd

I don't really know how AS2 looks like, but well if you take your time thinks will be better so try to learn AS2, I don't think there is a rush unless you think you will don't have time for it or is not worth it

It will be worth, the problem is that what I learn in As2 won't be so useful if I use another program, I mean if I try to work with programming for games.
Thanks :)

you still have lots of time right (? you can learn both things ^^ well, the other one you may not have time but hey the more you know the better and is better to learn what you need now

Not "lots of time" xD, but now I have free time to use the way I want to.
And yeah I believe that if I learn AS2 I will be easier to understand how other programming languages work.

(short words:AS2 is better, because is what you need know, other programming skills can go after, because you have plenty of time and is worse not doing the game using everything you have and spending more time in programming that may be more useful for other things that may come a lot later than doing the same thing except that you do everything you can, and them spending time learning other programming thingies..... this are not short words but shh (?)

xD there's no problem with long comments, they are constructive and that's what I'm looking for.
Thanks for the comments Simon :)

You welcome, and yeah ^^ is like me learning italian so I can learn japanese easier
Wait, is that right?

Isn't it arabic? em.... spanish? no, I already now that, meh let's say nothing in the world makes sense so if I say if I learn Italian it will make easier for me to learn Japanese then I'm right

Yeah, it can sounds strange but it helps, no matter if the languages are similar or not.

I certainly hope MC2 still gets into development. Using Flash or AS2? Do whatever you want m8! As long as you keep working on it, you make progress, and I hope my suggestions for this game are an influence! Thanks for the news, and c u later! :D

Thanks proto :)

Sim cara, Amei o primeiro jogo, com certeza irei amar o segundo, pode só mudar uma coisa?
poderia fazer um modo para que a mão não se mexesse tanto? se puder ficarei agradecido!
Boa sorte no projeto!

Dês do começo minha idéia era fazer a base no estilo do Madness Project nexus, o personagem com a animação parado, e quando clicado no cenário, a mão ativasse a animação dependente do objeto escolhido (mão = soco, melee = ataque, arma = tiro), mas infelizmente n consegui fazer um método para ativar/desativar a rotação do braço do personagem em direção ao mouse.
A falta de conhecimento da linguagem AS2 me levou a várias "ruas sem saída", eu ficava travado tentando arrumar um jeito de fazer funcionar o q queria implementar no jogo, e muitas coisas ficaram incompletas no jogo final, como musica, nome da roupa selecionada, etc.
Obrigado pelo feedback :)

De nada! Tenha boa sorte no seu projeto, que parece que merece 5 estrelas.
gostaria também de dar algumas sugestões:

-Adicionar NPCs, como Grunts, l33t crew agents, Engineers, entre outros.
-Aumentar o tamanho do personagem, como um Mag agent.

Mas bem, Continue com seu trabalho, vai dar tudo certo.
(se precisar de ajuda me manda uma mensagem)

Sim, já pensei e tbm recebi essas duas sugestões (pra ser sincero tive muitas kkk), são várias coisas q ficariam boas no jogo mas q eu ainda preciso aprender a adicionar no jogo. Aumentar o tamanho nem é tão dificil mas dependendo do método q eu usar pode ter algumas limitações.
Mt obrigado mais uma vez ;)

Keep the good work Elias :P

Thanks bro, I hope do my best :)
Nice to see you again btw ^^