PS: Tweening just used at the sleeping agent, at the Vcam and at the door.
After a long time of sadness, I finally grown up, and very much, including at walking, and I will animate the feet just at the end of the test, don't worry about that ;)
This is the last preview of the part I'm making for a collab, any collab, and at the time, Ellvis taken the last slot at Madness Hallucination, and Madnesia at Madness Ultimate... Ultrama... Ultraball... shit I can't spell this thing :P (I know it's Ultimatorisation, but seriously, why a name like this?). Anyway, I want to join some collab before people stop making them, I think they're still fun, but of course a whole mad story is very better :D
I'm online everyday, so feel free to comment (good) things, I will read and reply all of them ;)
Also, what are you people doing for Christmas? Or to anything else? :P
Hoo dat in bawx?
This is something I don't want to say now, just after I finish the test :)