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Elias Papp @1999Elias

Age 26, Male

Technology in Digital Games


Joined on 7/13/12

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More drawings, weapons, and boring words :P

Posted by 1999Elias - February 15th, 2014

Hai people, me again, and I gotta say, this time the (not cool) school days are so boring that I'm feling like a zombie xD

Sincerely, you guys know that I love to draw when bored at school, plus I already made the "Random School Draws" art at mid 2013, so of course I still have more pics from that year, but now with this damn and much more boring school, I have a bunch of new drawings, that's why I'm making a kind of album of all my mini school draws, not just a faster and better way to organize them, but a nice recordation too. Here goes a pic:

Organizing mah shit

Moar guns:

Defender Knife, CBJ-MS PDW, Lusa SMG and Taurus MT-40 (3 versions).

-Dj-janer probably doesn't know but he made 2 references at "Madness Chrismasnation" when put my guns :3 -

Also, how can I put a .WAV song here that isn't mine? I would like to show you guys about what will be my next Remix ;)

Have a nice day everyone! And don't worry, the link will come soon ;D


Nice Wepons


waitwhat im not bald :c

What??? Oh the drawing, it's because I didn't remembered your mask the day I drawned dis :P
And also, DubstepFreak's draw isn't finished too, like he's holding a invisible deagle :3

how could you say i would approve that?!, you bastard Lol

Lol, I dunno xD

when do you will upload it


lol jk bro, awesome drawings and weaponry man, madness is the best thing to draw when you're bored :D

Lol, for sure xD

i'm pretty sure these drawings are the only up side of school

Bingo :\

Yeah, I make drawings at school too just because about 50%-75% of lessons are too boring.

mine are 100% >.<

To embed an Newgrounds Audio Portal submission into a blog post, you need to go to that submission in the NG Audio Portal and click the "<>embed" button, it will show you copy-pastable code that you need to put into your blog post.

...errr, what? Ok, sometime I try it.

Are those 3 MP, maybe MP5 weapons? They remind me more of SIG SG series...

Taurus MT-40, brazilian-cuban guns that most of them are problematic on auto :|

Animar q é bom nada

Se eu num to nem afim de fazer armas, imagine animar?

I'm sorry I can't explain it clearer. You're just not capable of following instructions of any sort.

Not your fault, but mine, don't worry about that :)

I always found it a bit weird when people submitted madness art on newgrounds. Of course this is coming from a guy who spends 4 hours a day drawing madness sprites and then doesn't use any of them :P

It's really strange but I started making this sprites a long time ago, when I first had some ideas for my own Madness Series, but now, I changed almost all the line of the movie, and tried very much times to finish it, but never came to the third room :|
I really want to make my own movie, I have very much ideas, like one that Krinkels a boss of a huge company that their soldiers are us (Madness animators), and that he one day call us... (movie idea finish here xD), another one is "The Madness Mistakes", that I will probably team up with Spaderz to do it, but he's making 2 another movies so I will stay it on hold :)

I love the knife. Many college instructors are very strict about minor things, like drawing in class. I have no time to do much things I want to do ;A;

In Brazil, they let people do everything :\

Make ing new gune is awesomeness fasbuslosy aw3some

lol, for sure :D

Did you just say another remix? *explodes into a million nyan cats*

I think i may pester my parents for fruity loops or some shit for my birthday or whatever. I'd most likely remix the bear it/bear down/totally bear music. Lik3 sik bruv innit?

I apologize for letting my mainstream side out at the end there. :P Also, i like what looks like an assault rifle on the far left. :D

That's a cuban SMG that was sold to Brazil, 1400 rate of fire, but several problems occurred with this gun :|

NO! you guys are mean.

...err...ok, Thanks for your comment anyway :P

defender knife cbj-ms pdw lusa smg and taurus MT 40? :D

Bingo! ;D

moar madnus

Moar boring school works :\
And hi back bud, I didn't seen you for a long time :P

Keep working hard man.

Thanks Wave, I will :D

A cuban smg? Cool. I didn't know what gun it was because I'm not an overly violent person...ignore the skulls on my belt...and the coat made from flesh... :3

I got to Fenomena in 10 minuteS yesterday (CNK PS2) but i forgot to save. XD Inferno island was the hardest part. And i found Krunk slightly harder than Nash, because if you get ahead of Krunk he catches up, but with Nash he just stays behind. Team Cortex ftw.

And now, the event you've alllll be waitiiinnnngg fooooooor....Papu Papu! Have you ever been squashed by Papu at the end of the fight in CB1? Hardest part for sure. :P

Papu Papu wasn't easy for me at CTR (at least when I wasn't a pro), because now I can beat all the time trials of Nitros Oxide at the first try >:3
PS: I already finished 100% CTR, not just 2 times the Adventure mode, but the Time trials, the cups, the racers, etc :3

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