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Elias Papp @1999Elias

Age 26, Male

Technology in Digital Games


Joined on 7/13/12

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Madness Weapon Sprites V6!!!

Posted by 1999Elias - October 3rd, 2014

Please, before clicking on the link, read the whole post, thanks :)


Hello everyone, after so much time, I know you were waiting for this... yeah, to be serious I'm not sure :P

but here it is: Madness Weapon Sprite Sheet Version 6!!!

This time I took all my day editing it, no seriously, I made very much changes at it.

The first change I made was separate all the sprites in categories at the frames, 1: Table of Contents, 2: Pistols and Melees, etc.

Another change was that I separated between the common sprite and their variations, example: AK-47 (common), AK-47 without stock (variation).

And, to finish, here is the new sprites:


PS: I know there aren't so much sprites neither something to impress but I have several reasons to explain that, if you want to know them, PM me.

PPS: The P99 is just there because I made its laser, and I forgot to add the Flashbang Grenade at this image.

That's all! Have a nice day and feel free to comment :)



i love you ;D and i love you'r work too ;)!
But i still wait from you a movie.. ;3

Thanks bro, and I may release one someday ;), plus I'm working on one ^^

haha badass man!

Thanks Spaderz :D

Pewpewpew mothafucka >:D

Lol pewpew always remember me about one p c I saw of a cat on a tank-like cardboard box saying: "Time to bring teh big guns! *pewpew* " xD

Very nice sprites

Thanks Rockluki :)

it would be nice if you made some melee weapons
good job though :)

I made some... but ONLY some xD

Cool sprite sheet man, I see you puted not just Krinkels' ones but some of the best too, like Sl4y3rFTW sprites :)
Try now organizing every sprite ;3 as example the "Why?" FN F2000 that for some reason disappears xD

Dat pistol with the scope :O
Awesome man!

Thanks Fivestar :)
PS: The name of this gun is... ok it doesn't have a name, but I would call it "Shield Competition Free .357 Magnum", to say everything you need... or not.
If you want to know more about it (and about some others too) visit this site: http://augfc.tumblr.com/page/7
It has some incredible strange guns and infos about the same too, not just that but I'm planning to transform other guns I found there into sprites heheheh :3

awesome!!!!!!1! now how is the progress on the character sprites?

IDK if I gonna make them public...

that`s maybe.. some.. easteregg i like easteregg :D

Lol I made very much easter egg weapons but never left them public, however, you can see 2 of them in Madness Chrismasnation by Djjaner, they are Dr. Neo Cortex Lasergun from Crash Twinsanity and the Tec-9 model from GTA SA :)

shame you might not make them public they are some damn good sprites. better than i could ever make.

Thanks man :)

Man I love the style of those guns! Nice job!

Thanks Evan :D

awesome elias1999

Thanks gonçalves, but I prefer to be called simply as Elias or 1999Elias :P

no problem man

im portuguese!!! :D

Pelo seu nome eu já imaginava :P

estes sprites sao mesmo fixes :D

...Obrigado :)

Put a tenticle canon

I think you seen too much hentai yesterday xD

muito bom sprite mas deveria ter os agents,os A.T.P Engineers e os A.T.P Soldats com o seu sprite

é pq ainda estou em dúvida se deixo essas sprites públicas.

pq em dúvida?O estilo das suas armas é muito bom,as mãos são muito boas,tanto que o meu personagem tem elas,foi só essas três sprites que não deixaram o seu sprite ficar perfeito.

Mas o maior problema e o tamanho da cabeça, q e menor do q a cabeça original, o q faz com q minhas sprites sejam um pouco incompativeis com as originais.

Eu comparei a cabeça da sprite do Krinkels mas a cabeça da sua sprite.
E a sua cabeça é mais larga.

...e menor de altura.

Sabe que eu nem reparei nisso?

Pois é, ninguém repara, mas essa e a causa no. 1 dos pqs de eu ñ deixar a minha sprite sheet de personagens para qualquer um

Se não gastar seu tempo,pode me dizer a causa no.2?

são muitas...
*morre de preguiça*

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