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Elias Papp @1999Elias

Age 26, Male

Technology in Digital Games


Joined on 7/13/12

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MCust. II, MD15 animation, guitar, guns, site, collab part... NNHHHGGG...

Posted by 1999Elias - February 20th, 2015

I didn't made any other post for almost a month after making my Entry #72, sooo...., well, here's another one... tadaa!......  (¬¬)

As you may have seen, I listed just a little of what I have to do still, starting with...

Madness Customization II: I didn't make any progress since 12/10/14 (Month/Day/Year), except the Automag button and the click-action in the weapons menu.

MD2015 Animation: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/008aa8d0987fbf3f190146e8bac54121 Saw any BIIIIIIG progress?...

Guitar...?: Exactly, I'm having guitar lessons, so a friend of mine lent to me his second guitar to I study it in my house, but, I just studied 1 day, and had to stop doing it after some 30 mins. because it was 00:00 already and my mom needed to sleep to tomorrow wake up in the morning to work.

Guns: This one I of course made progress, still, I'm angry with myself.

PS: for those who asked a AR-15, here it is:


Site...?: Yea, I started working on a site these days, but even being a great idea, it would take alot of my time, and as you can see, my time is really tight at the momment. But no, I will still work on it, but not now.

Collab: I joined Gujit's Collab recently, and I saw @Eshio working and I thought: dang, why can't I work like this? Making big progress in just one day?", yeah, I'm still down about this, and what I hate most it the fact that when I start working on a clip, something always goes wrong, like a backflip that went too low, perspective problems, all of this, and I just can't get rid of all of this problems that occurs in my tries, and it just gets worse everytime I try to fix.

Emotional help, animating help, any type of help about what I said above is appreciated... alot...


You need to talk to me on steam papi ;3

PS: it's Papp :P

Awesome Work On Animation And On Guns


this is cool how did you go on saturn the planet

I'm from there, greetings.



Don't feel bad dude, just look at your guns, really, look at your drawings, look at your fucking game!!!!
For fuck's sake, if you're thinking you're a bad animator, your head must really in Saturn. Not trying to be a dick or anything (espero que entenda :)), but you're one of the best out there, maybe the best actually, you're original, you're talented, you're a good dude to have nearby, and you still think you suck? Damn just look at me, can't even make a guy walk, can't draw anything, can't even be cool, when I try to be cool, I actually am just spamming everyone. You are a hell of an artist and you know it, you animations are not even close to bad, of course it isn't Dimb, but you are better than many, not only in MC, just watch your first movies again, you'll see what I am talking about. You should keep going, maybe trying to remove or add more frames, don't just smash F6 all the whole damn time, go calm, 30 fps may hide some of your mistakes, and if you do anything you think looks wrong, just clear the keyframes of the current layer you're working on. Try making a new file and train, train alot, you can make quick tests and try to find your better style.

Lol looks like I let a paper from when I was trying to help some guy fall at the street and you found it xD
Thanks alot man, emotionally I'm fine, but the thing is I just can't make a full action scene, and it's like I said to kkots, sometimes it goes so good, but sometimes horrible.
And the feeling the animating gives to me isn't the same of when I'm drawing, I feel happy when I draw guns, but feel bored (and sometimes dissapointed) when I'm animating.

I think it's time to start putting giant effort into everything you do in life. Otherwise doom awaits.

Lol it's kind of creepy but funny too :P
I always put effort on my animations, sometimes they get so good like I would never expect (http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/746ddd3e35ea2ce88cfee93a52466e20), and at other times they go trully horrible (http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0044bacd8f797b0a3cdd9e65883cc1a4), but unlike making guns, animating is boring to me, it's not fun anymore like when I started making movies, and I can only make tests, because if I try to make a whole scene, everything goes wrong :|

yo if you do a bad comment go and fuck your self ass hole he did good and also what the fuck are you doing kkots makeing love to a fat pig so do not comment bad things i hate people who do that to good work

Don't worry about that, also kkots was helping in his own way, believe me.

A good way to get some good progress in a animation is to just put on a video you like, or music you enjoy, either on a playlist and just go to work, its just a good way to get a work jam on. That's what I usualy do.

I do this too, the problem is, the happiness I feel while making guns, I don't feel when animating :T

Dude don't worry,I use to be worse than you remember?Well....I think I'm still worse than you but being good at animating takes time.I improved a lot like a lot after watching some Madness vids and Madness tutorial vids.Maybe you can try that?Oh and if you wanna have guitar lessons than you should stick to that.Have a little fun once in a while.May be...I can help you with the animation..?I'm sorry but I might be a little bad at animating.

Nah like I said in the other comment, you're not bad, you just don't make too much tests (I guess lol), and yesterday I made my first clip for Gujit's Collab, and it got really good I can say ^^

Oh and you call this bad?(http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0044bacd8f797b0a3cdd9e65883cc1a4)Than my animations is a pile of junk.

Nah, that try was really a shit lol
Your animations are good, I just think you would make tests more often, I think I never saw a test from you.

crap story ever by phobosk he shot him self the end


Umm, sad and funny

It will be really sad, but I didn't thought it could be funny :P

I kinda have a big addict for guns, I was watching some YT videos about SMGs (in 1080p) and when the camera-man showed up the MP5 and kept showing scrolling the damn camera over it, showed the switchers, the sight, the clips, bullets, everything. And while he was doing it, I know it wasn't sexual content but it gave me go hot. No kidding, sometimes, I just wanna buy a gun to look at it (as shooting would make some noise xD) lol why the fuck am I telling you this, sorry :P

Lol I'm like this too, I love the mechanics and the looking of guns, the most interesting ones to me are SMGs, compact, low weight and high rate of fire :)

Hey...If you want big progress on project things you worked out, you only need to sit in front of the computer for 15 hours non stop, trust me, you will have a big progress in no time, dependent if you not lazy and your animation it's more better and i love that gun you made ;) . and anyway, i want to ask you, did my character request is already done?...i know you have more than 8 project in progress, and i'm just asking.

~Peace out bro

I know, but when I try to force myself, things go horrible, I mean, if I try to make a test, it will be very bad.
Sorry, but I hadn't time, even to think about the requests.

so i was playing gta 5 one day but this kid blew himself up so i said i my mic good job asshole

No matter how you do, you'll always be better than some people (like me lol).

Nah, no one is better than no one, some people have more ease with some things, example, I'm better at... ....hum... ...bah, you understood :P

Ugh no man, don't take a forcing when while you animating in front of your computer, just clean your mind and relax and hope to be able to create an animated easily. i even can finished 450 frame on 5 hours and well...that's my way how to get big progress, i don't know if this works to you.

I won't, thank you for caring.

Cada dia vc me surpreende mais pelo seu talento :D
e como que se chama aquela shotgun exceto a Sawn-off?

Monolith Arms P-12, e caso esteja falando a shotgun do lado da sawed-off, e a Mossberg 500 tactical, as duas na verdade.

Hey elias! First of all congrat for joining the gujit collab!
Also, sometime i just fail a doing something in animation (like a backflip or a death) so What i do is, i retry doing the thing I fail and if I don't like it, well I just take a break of animating. It when you take break that you will have the best idea...
Well I hope it will help:)

Thanks, and yeah this happens (I guess) with every animator.

E a sawn-off vai ter variação sem pump?

essa n e a sawed-off q disse q faria.

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